Sunday, February 9, 2014

Class Pictures (Week 26, Day 5)

Ready for my closeup!
We’ve decided to take another breather on the solids, and Maddy has immediately gone back to her normal sleep habits, which are pretty reasonable for a 6 month old. This week, there was great excitement at daycare, as it was time for school pictures. Yes, school pictures. While this seems reasonable for some of the older kids, even the infants get involved - there are individual pictures and class pictures of the whole crew.
We had been told this was coming up, so we spent time this morning picking out just the right outfit for Maddy’s first school pics. We started out in a cute little hipster outfit a friend had bought us. While adorable, we realized that with Maddy being an adorable baby sans hair, we needed to maybe go a more girly route. So, we pulled out the pink dress, pink bloomers, and pink headband. And while we don’t girl it up that that all too often, I have to admit Maddy looked absolutely adorable.
When we got to daycare all the nannies ooh’d and ahh’d over how cute Maddy looked, and I have to admit I couldn't stop taking pictures. It was so fun to see all the little babies dress up for the big day - it was the first of many school pictures to come, and while future class pictures will be more memorable for all the children, it was a great first experience for all the new parents.
Picking up Maddy after work, I got a full report on how the pictures went. Maddy got rave reviews, and everyone said not only did she love getting her picture taken, the photographer loved her and said her pictures turned out great. I can’t wait to see them!

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