Monday, June 17, 2013

Anniversary (Week 6, Day 4)

Today is our two year wedding anniversary! It's hard to believe Phil and I have only been married for two years - our lives are so intertwined now that it seems he's always been apart of my world, and it's hard to remember the 30 years that occurred before we even met. While today is the day I will make sure to tell him how lucky I am to have him in my life, I'm reminded everyday what a perfect match his is for me. There are a thousand little things he does to make me smile.

To celebrate this cotton anniversary, we've planned dinner sans babe at one of the restaurants that's been on our list. Which brings us to another first for Maddy and mommy - first time with babysitters. This milestone is less dramatic than I expect it to be - we've asked Phil's parents to come down to the city to watch Maddy, while we go to a restaurant that is walking distance away. I've left plenty of milk for Maddy (so there is no fear of her starving to death) and showed his parents where to find everything, including the first aid kit. His parents are delighted to spend the evening with Maddy, and do a wonderful job with her. As for me, aside from one brief moment when I worry that a text from someone during dinner is an alert that something's wrong at home, I'm able to enjoy a lovely and luxurious dinner with my husband - using both hands, and taking my time without worrying about when I'll need to tend to the baby. We all survived this milestone quite well!

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