Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week Eight Pro Parenting (Week 8, Day 1)

Week 8 kicked off with my husband's birthday! It turned out to be a day that made me realize we are past all the firsts of leaving the house with a baby. We had a day filled with a long leisurely brunch with friends, then dinner with family in the suburbs. I realized sometime during the day that all the elements of catastrophe I had worried about week two of Madeline's life were there - out of the house for long periods of time (causing potential for nursing, diaper changing, and general baby screaming at any moment), and potential rain and thunderstorm.

 Yet at week eight, these once major obstacles were barely a thought as we packed up and headed out for the day. I've now mastered dealing with the feeding, changing and crying while out in public, and we were armed with umbrellas in case of a storm. We enjoyed a lovely time with friends and family who did not mind these small interruptions, and Madeline napped like a champ in between feelings, even hamming it up with some smiles for her admirers. It turned out to be a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Poppa!

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